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About Our Firm

When you are choosing a financial firm, it is important to understand the values that drive them.

The Development of Values

When our owner, Carter Brower, was a child, his family lived in a wealthy neighborhood but was not wealthy. By middle school, he began to notice the differences between his family and his friends’ families. When his family took a vacation, they drove down to South Padre. When his friends’ families went on vacation, they took cruises to Hawaii. He started paying close attention to what made the difference and realized it was really just four things: family, hard work, planning and partnerships.



The wealthy families who invited young Carter to dinner always ate together. They were close, and while the father and/or mother may have had to spend time away from the family to work, it was clear to him that their family was their “reason.” Those close relationships fueled their desire to provide the kind of life that they were living.

At Libertas, family is our reason too. Not just our biological families, though if you ask anyone here, they will tell you that family time is a high priority. But the relationships we develop with our clients are like those of a family. We have fun together at client events, and we are there for them when life takes hard turns. We want to be someone our clients trust and rely on and someone they look forward to calling. Furthermore, we tell every client that their kids should meet us, because if anything were to happen to the client, we want them to know that we will be here for them, too.

Hard Work


It was clear to Carter, even in fifth grade, that success was not a fluke. His friends’ parents were doctors, lawyers and business owners who worked hard and sometimes late into the night to achieve their success. He had this work ethic in mind when he and Chris Houghton founded Libertas Financial Partners. They knew that if they were going to take on the responsibility of helping people find their financial path, they could not do it half-heartedly. Every Libertas client gets guidance and service developed from hours of research and customized to their individual goals. And we are always learning, always growing and always looking for new ways that we can serve our clients better.

A Plan


Even in middle school, the parents of Carter’s friends would talk to them about the kids’ plans — plans for the next semester, plans for college and plans for life. It was clear to him that if you want to be successful at anything, you need a plan to do it.

At Libertas, it’s about more than the financial plan. Our process encompasses planning for success in the areas of life that are fulfilling, exciting or meaningful to our clients. The financial plan just gives them the freedom to do that. That’s why we chose the name “Libertas” — the Latin word for freedom. We know that if you don’t have to worry about money, you are free to really live. A plan helps you to do that.



The final thing Carter noticed about his friends’ successful parents is that they were friends with other successful people. At barbecues and Christmas parties, Carter would hear them networking and finding ways to help each other, and he realized that no one becomes successful alone. They always have help. So, when he and Chris founded Libertas, they wanted to not only be a partner to their clients but also to surround them with other types of professionals who want to help them. Whether our clients need a real estate agent, a CPA or an estate lawyer, we have built a community of professionals we trust to support them.

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